How To Make Good Decisions Under Stress


Making good decisions is something that almost everyone wants to do in their lives. When we make good decisions, we set ourselves up for success and put ourselves in situations to achieve our goals. However, making good decisions isn’t always easy. There are many different factors and situations that can inhibit our ability to make good decisions. One of those factors is stress.

Some stress is normal and completely healthy for our bodies. But when we are overly stressed, it can have many negative impacts on us. For example, too much stress can result in headaches, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, sadness, depression, and more. These effects can negatively impact our overall health and well-being, including our ability to make sound decisions.

The impact of stress on decision-making can be severe, as it can completely change how we view a situation. This is particularly true when deciding between two options that both have positive and negative elements, like a job that pays well but requires long hours or a job that requires fewer hours and is more flexible but doesn’t pay as well. 

One of the most stressful times a person can face during their lives is pregnancy, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. Deciding whether or not you want to raise the child inside of you is perhaps the biggest decision of your entire life, so it’s critical to make the best decisions possible. However, the stress that comes with pregnancy can impact your ability to make good decisions, and can sometimes make things even more difficult.

We at Life Forward are here to help during your pregnancy so you are fully informed about your reproductive health and can get the care you need. We have experienced Client Educators who are trained, willing to listen, and provide a safe and neutral environment to help you with whatever you need. 

We want you to feel heard and understood as you share intimate thoughts and feelings. We also have a team of medical professionals focusing on women’s health and well-being that you can talk to and ask questions regarding your body and your reproductive health. Please reach out to Life Forward to get started today! In order to help you stay informed and prepared during your pregnancy, we’ll share everything you need to know about making good decisions under stress during pregnancy.

Tips for Making Good Decisions When Dealing With Stress During Pregnancy

The connection between stress and decision-making can make it more difficult to decide what is in your best interest and what you really want. However, there are things you can do to help handle stress and improve your decision-making ability. Here are some of the most important tips for how to make good decisions under stress:

  • Take a Step Back - The first thing to do when you are feeling stressed and need to make an important decision is to take a step back. When we feel stressed and things are difficult, we tend to obsess over the decision we must make. While this is meant to help us analyze and make a decision, it can actually have the opposite effect and make things worse because that is all we are thinking about. Our brains have no time to think about anything else. Taking a step back from the decision at hand can help refresh your mind and decrease your stress, allowing you to make a better decision.

  • Breathe - Another important tip for making good decisions while under stress is to breathe. That may sound simple, but focusing on your breathing can help to calm your mind and body and decrease your stress levels. Simply taking deep breaths and being mindful of your breathing is a great start to ease the stress you feel. You can also engage in more specific breathing techniques that will help you de-stress and provide you the clarity to make good decisions.

  • Think About the Future - Another way to help with stressful decisions is to take yourself out of the present and think about the future. You’ve probably already thought about how your choices now will affect you later on, but try to specifically think about your future self. What do you want your life to be like? What do you want to be doing? How will you get there? After contemplating these questions, you can then work backward and consider how your current decisions will either get you closer or farther from what you want in the future.

  • Consider Your Values - It’s also important to consider your values when you are trying to make good decisions under stress. We often get caught up in our stress and make decisions based on how we feel in that present moment, which is usually not good and is an altered state of mind. Try to think about the things that really matter to you and the values you have made a central part of your life. Reminding yourself of who you are and what you believe in can help alleviate some of the stress and provide you a clearer picture of the decision that is best for you.

  • Identify the Source - One of the main ways to deal with stress and make good decisions is to identify the source of that stress. It’s true that being pregnant and deciding what you want to do regarding your pregnancy is stressful in and of itself. But is there anything else that’s adding to the stressful situation? Is there any particular person or group of people causing you stress? Knowing what is contributing to your stress will allow you to take the necessary actions to limit it and be able to think clearly about the situation and make the best decision for you.

  • Move Forward - We can go back and forth about decisions forever, but that will ultimately cause more problems and only increase our stress. At a certain point, we have to make a decision and stick with it. Once you have made up your mind and made a decision, then it’s time to move forward. If you feel regret about a decision you’ve made, consider seeking support to help you cope with the situation. Letting it take up more of your energy will only make you feel worse and won’t help anything, so commit to moving forward and look toward the future.

Life Forward also has trained professionals who can provide support and help you navigate through any situation. Additionally, we can refer you to other community resources that can further help with your specific needs. Reach out to us today to learn more!

How Life Forward Can Help

At Life Forward, we are here to help women in the Cincinnati area who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant. In addition to consultations, pregnancy testing, and ultrasounds, we offer other educational and supportive services—as well as referrals to other community resources—at no cost to you.

Our staff of trained Client Educators and medical professionals will assist you and connect you to the resources and help you need. These resources can help you be more prepared during your pregnancy and make the best decision for yourself. Learn more about the services we offer or contact us at 513.961.7777 to schedule an appointment today!