Samantha's Story


When “Samantha” arrived at our Clifton Center, she was visibly upset. She told her Client Educator, “I can’t see myself going through an abortion.” She also did not think she was prepared to raise her baby.

Having recently attended an adoption training workshop, her Client Educator was able to bring some of her new knowledge to their conversation. She encouraged Samantha to develop a parenting plan. Having this plan in place would allow her to choose to care for her child or choose a couple who would raise her child. She wanted Samantha to know she had more than one option. Her Client Educator explained that this would require her to reach out beyond the choices that made sense in this moment of crisis.

When she left with adoption information, Samantha was less stressed and more empowered to make an informed decision about her unplanned pregnancy. Our prayer is that in ten years she will call Life Forward to say, “Thank you for helping me to evaluate my options so that I was able to make the best decision for me and my baby.”