Natalie's Story: A New Sense of Hope

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"Natalie" visited Life Forward's Springdale location knowing that she was pregnant but wondering if she should end her pregnancy. Natalie shared with Shanna, Life Forward Client Educator, that she was worried about going through with her pregnancy because she experienced severe post-partum depression after her last pregnancy and she was worried that might happen again. Shanna listened to her and then offered Natalie words of assurance that God is not going to abandon her and that He will provide what she needs during and after her pregnancy. Natalie experienced a new sense of hope after hearing Shanna's words and shared that she felt more positive about continuing on with her pregnancy. Natalie and Shanna ended their time together with what Shanna describes as a "powerful prayer time."

One of the things that makes Life Forward a unique ministry is our wholistic approach to serving clients.

First, we have professional medical team members who can talk to clients and answer their medical questions about pregnancy. We want clients to leave Life Forward having new knowledge about the physical impact pregnancy will have on their bodies and their day-to-day lives.

We also have experienced Client Educators who are trained in the art of listening to our clients and not pushing an agenda on them. We want clients to feel heard and understood as they share some of their most intimate thoughts and feelings.

Most importantly, our dedicated Client Services Team are faithful believers who are always looking for opportunities to share the Gospel with our clients. It's one thing to give clients like Natalie information about post-partum depression, however, we remind women that God is with them and loves them even in the midst of the darkness of depression that seems to overwhelm their lives. We listen to them because this might be the only time that anyone ever really has. We seek to be the hands, feet and ears of Christ who love them and accept them without condition.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of Life Forward's ministry as together we seek to help women and their families make life-affirming decisions through God's love.