A dedicated team serving women and families in our community.
Client Services team
A compassionate professional team helping women and their families facing unplanned pregnancies.
Director of Client Services
Melissa Guzman, RN
Assistant Director of Client Services
Hannah Dell, RDMS
Client Educators/Nurse Sonographers
Laura Clary, BSN, RN
Clinic Administrator
Kellie Smoker, CMA
Administrative team
A gifted team of professionals who work together to provide the leadership and resources needed to advance Life Forward’s mission.
Executive Director
Steve Stephenson
Director of Client Services
Melissa Guzman
Development Director
Traci Crowder
Development Assistant
Priya Richmonds
Events Coordinator
Sarah Wilcox
Administrative Assistant
Roslyn Hasty
Marketing & Communications Director
Brooke DeVlieger
Board of Trustees
Dedicated and faithful community leaders who, guided by our mission, establish policies and procedures that help promote and sustain Life Forward’s ministry today and into the future.
Board Chair
Larry Cunningham
Vice Chair
Anita Ingram
Martha Ryan
Wade Daniel
At-Large Board Members
Natalie Bullock
Laura Kern
Caleb Liebing
Shanese Short
Jason Rehmel
Debbi Young
Eric Peters
Medical Director
Dr. Robert Arrom, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.